Strange times…

Layoffs, layoffs, layoffs! It’s all you hear from a candidate these days when you are talking to them about a new position. No longer are they intrigued by an opportunity with your unicorn startup and you have to pry them away from their safe, high paying role with a dream of being an integral part of the next best thing. Now, they will entertain all types of positions and salary requirements are more a thing of the past. Now they have an, “I’d like to make,” number or “I was making this before,” number. In these strange times I urge you to still fight for your candidates. Fight to get them what they deserve to make for their expansive skill set they bring to the table. Whether it be more equity, a bigger bonus, a sign on, whatever it is, fight for the candidates you represent. Show them you will go the extra mile. In the end, it’ll benefit everyone. Happy hunting!

- Kyle Kledzik



Don’t be afraid…